Trying to find the Least Funny Fan of the Most Interesting Man (or LFFMIM for short) is no easy task, dear readers. Trust me. While I found hundreds of viable candidates during my search over the past 7 days, I may have bitten off more than I could chew attempting to crown a new winner each week.
I think I'm gonna need some interns.
And not only to work through the fan inspired drivel on the Dos Equis facebook page. But the more I read the more I fear contracting stupidity via osmosis and interns would be the perfect line of defense helping prevent that.
I'm full on stupid as it is.
I'm mean, seriously, the posts are so bad you can actually taste the idiocy that inspired them. It's palpable. Just like when someone farts near you and it ends up in your mouth a little bit. Only minus the shit particles.
But no less harmful.
Below are some of this week's unwitting contestants.
Andre actually earns an LFFMIM Honorable Mention for his entry. Maybe it's because I have a soft spot for basketball quips. Or maybe it's because the pain of Magic Johnson's sky hook from Game 4 of the 1987 NBA Finals still haunts me.
Name recognition alone earned McJaks a spot on this week's list. Not only do I see Mr. Lewis as a recurring character in my blog but I plan on using his namesake as the default nickname for strangers. Standbys like "Buddy", "Sport" and, my favorite, "Chief" pale next to the incomparable "McJaks."
And this week's winner is Mr. Daniel Olsen. His posts are so dumbing that I couldn't pick just one. (They resonate better as a group, anyway.) In all honestly, I don't even know what these comments mean. Except the one about the Glass Chess Board of Death, of course.
Keep trying to be funny on the Dos Equis facebook page, my friends.
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