Whenever I find myself in need of a laugh I head over to the Dos Equis facebook page and, with each visit, I unearth a booty of comedy gold.
Lines from The Most Interesting Man in the World fans like, "On his feet he wears Dos Sockies" and "He literally made a silk purse out of a sow's ear" are the envy of comedy writers everywhere.
And they always put me in a good mood.
I've decided I can no longer keep this treasure trove to myself, dear readers. I'm going to share my favorites with you every week in a little blog I like to call, "The Search for the Least Funny Fan of the Most Interesting Man in the World."
Rolls right off the tongue, doesn't it?
My only hope is that you, too, may find a similar nugget of life's balance in Dos Equis Nation that I have.
To get us started this week, I'm simply going to show you a random sampling of the page void of any quips, dissection or breakdown. In future blogs I'm sure I'll have something to say about whichever fan posted comments I decide are the least funny for that particular week but, for today, I'll let them stand on their own merit.
You're about to discover why.

Keep trying to be funny on the Dos Equis facebook page, my friends.

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