Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Quick Thinking: Century Mark

This is my 100th blog, folks.

No applause necessary.

In the scheme of things, I don't even know what that means. What I do know, however, is that my writing has evolved into a compulsion of sorts and the dream of doing it professionally is stronger than ever.

Until something better comes along, anyway.

Quick Thinking

-- Obscure News Conference Soundbite of the Week That You Need to Hear comes from the Golden Boy of Patriot Nation when asked by a reporter, "Did you hear the Jets were gonna win the Super Bowl?". (Scroll to the 8:50 mark) His response was, "The Jets? They....yeah. Well we've heard that for a few years, so..."

-- But you and I both know what he wanted to say was, "The Jets? They can go fuck themselves."

-- I really wish he would have said it, too. I mean someone on the Patriots' side needs to start talking shit. And who better than 3-time Super Bowl Champion Tom Brady?

-- The verbal bitch slap subtlety buried in his response to the follow up question was even better. (I won't ruin the surprise. You can open that present yourself.)

-- Jurassic 5 alum Chali 2na's new single effort, Lock Shit Down feat. Talib Kweli, is ill.

-- And I'm not just talking about the baseline, y'all. (Which is) I'm talking the entire package. Take 3:34 out of your life and dig on the visuals in the video.

-- Sometimes knowing you can do something is better than actually doing it.

-- Except when it comes to farting, of course.

-- Quote of the Week goes to yours truly for answering a colleague's, um, "personal" question concerning my surgically repaired arm strength with the following response, "I'm not worried about my arm strength, Jose. That's what dogs and peanut butter are for."

-- All the fantasy football hype has me wondering: what are my fantasy projections for this season?

-- I'm guessing 4,387 smart ass comments, 44 blogs, 17 facebook defriendings, 3 arguments, 4 shoving matches and 1 death threat for a projected 316 fantasy points.

-- Those are 1st round draft worthy stats, bitches!

-- Heartache of the Week Award goes to Burger King for changing Ad Agencies and dumping "The King" mascot.

-- Mel Brooks, we turn our broken hearts to you.

-- Nothing I'll miss more than the sweet oil of Flame Body Spray.

-- That's right, I said it. The essence of hot beef was a big hit with the ladies.

-- And was deadly with a jar of peanut butter at the pound.

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