Saturday, November 13, 2010

You Can Take the Boy Out of C.F. ...

This blog is a shout out to a childhood friend who, since kindergarten, has navigated the minefield known as friendship with Terrence Joyce. (Think Saving Private Ryan but, rather than having a bunch of Germans shooting at you while you storm the beaches, you have to dodge the mean-spirited quips of my multiple personalities. Oh, and we outnumber the German army by millions.)

My friend, one Mr. Jorge Betancourt, offered an eye opening observation when he said: "I just want to tell you you're slackin' on your blog.

He's right.

The fact of the matter is simple: I'm not writing solely for my own selfish, cathartic needs anymore. As incredible as it may seem I actually have fans. Sure, maybe not enough to fill a school bus to capacity but certainly enough to push that same school bus out of harm's way so long as it was down a steep hill. Either way, regardless of the real number, fans are the personification of accountability which means I need to be, well, more accountable.

If I "expect" friends, strangers and other cyberspace dwellers to consistently read my inane babble than I need to provide a more consistent stream of said babble.

Lesson learned.

Big ups for the reality check, brother. Never be afraid to keep 'em coming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No Doubt, brother! Love reading your stuff, makes me laugh! I do it at work when I really need to laugh!

Your Friend,