Friday, October 22, 2010

Quick Thinking: Take My Life...Please

Lately I've heard a lot of friends talk about how they're afraid of identity theft.

And, while I can sympathize when it comes to fear, I find it impossible to share their anxiety for this particular fear because, well, I couldn't give my fucking identity away.

Even if I tried.

Quick Thinking

-- Big ups to the boys at Bar Stool Sports for another solid addition to their t-shirt arsenal.


-- The "inches" marker on the back is genius.

-- "Selling" and "giving away" are not the same thing.

-- Unless, of course, you're at the strip club.


-- The NFL should be applauded for their recent focus on protecting players from illegal hits.

-- But don't be fooled, dear readers, the NFL's new vigilant safety campaign is the beginning of a slippery slope pushing for one thing and one thing only: an 18-game regular season.

Looks like we finally have ourselves a Bilbo Baggins for Peter Jackson's highly anticipated prequel The Hobbit. Undercover geeks everywhere rejoice!

-- Hope Peter taps into Leonard Nimoy's Middle Earth musical prowess for the soundtrack.

-- See, readers. I told you I wasn't joking about being a closet dork.

-- Here's a link from the top shelf to convince any remaining naysayers.


-- It pains me to write, but, Showtime's Dexter has officially jumped the shark.

-- In hopes of climbing to 5-2 and not falling to 4-3, I'm throwing the Cement Shoes on Big Ben and the Steelers (-3) in Miami this weekend.

-- Let's hope Mr. Roethlisberger treats me better than he does undergraduate lushes in college bar bathrooms.

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