This year's birthday finally brings me a gift I've been waiting for my entire life.
And for my next trick...
Quick Thinking
-- The recreational sports one plays can be a strong indicator of their age.
-- My competitive juices were firing while bowling last night.
-- On the Wii.
-- And I'm really quite sore today.
-- Douchebag Award of the Week goes to Ben Roethlisberger for, well, being a douchebag.
-- As another birthday creeps up on me, I'm thankful I've been blessed with hairpants to cover the current state of my old, saggy ass.
-- My Calvin Klein's look like a pillow case without enough pillow.
-- With a vicious 5 o'clock shadow.
-- Curt Shilling, the most recent addition to ESPN's baseball coverage crew, doesn't look like a guy who could throw a wiffle ball past my nephew, let alone be one of the most feared former aces in recent MLB history.
-- Hey, Curt, I hear Nutrisystem is in the market for a new spokesman.
-- I wonder what kind of over-the-top superlatives Johnny Most would be using for Rondo's performance this postseason.
-- Memo to all you "studs" out there: Having sex with a promiscuous girl, even a really hot one, isn't an accomplishment, fellas.
-- It's inevitable.
-- Celebrity Look A Like Award of the Week goes to yours truly for resembling Lloyd Christmas during my youth.
-- Apparently, in addition to the bowl cut, prepping for picture day in '80 involved shaving my eyebrows.
-- ESPN's ScoreCenter is my new favorite iPhone app.
-- The push notifications for "myTeams" -- Sox, Celts and Bruins -- relieve the hassle of clicking back-and-forth between channels when 2 are engaged in epic playoff battles and the other is playing in the most heated rivalry in sports.
-- I never had the chance to study "Anonymous" during my English major career at Providence College, but he or she certainly has some good quotes floating around.
-- The Bridge, a movie documenting the tragic truth that the Golden Gate Bridge is the world's suicide destination, is a sobering narrative on how fragile the human condition is.
-- Polarizing people tend to acquire a handful of lifelong friends during their journey.
-- But polarizing people also have a tendency, by their very nature, to leave a long list of enemies in their wake.
-- Someone recently told me I was polarizing.
I still remember that cute little boy as if it was yesterday. He has always been my favorite!
Dear Anonymous,
Let me start by offering some heartfelt gratitude for your kind words: Thank you.
Thank you for taking the time to read my banter. Thank you for tolerating me all these years because, based on your comment, you've clearly known me a long time. Finally, and most importantly, thank you for remembering as I was then -- an innocent, well-intentioned kid who smiled easy and trusted easier.
Too bad the humdrum of daily life turned that little boy into the dubious man who fills his shoes today. (I do wish my hair was still that thick, though.)
Thank you's aside, I need to take a moment to embrace my leery nature and admit the following: I'm a bit concerned about your feelings toward little boys...and I certainly hope you don't live near any grade schools.
Or own a large white van.
Cautiously Yours,
and I can still see that the boy I have known forever will never change. And thats ok with me. Being one of the FEW, yes I said FEW, people who have been able to love you without trying to change you over the years, I can say that I am honestly glad you are who you are and I wouldnt have you any other way. And I do not have a thing for little boys, or own a white maniac!!
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