Wednesday, October 23, 2013

2 Things: Slowly Developing Chemistry

ONE: Slow Motion For Me

Watching professional baseball players batting, pitching and throwing during postseason play in slow motion is pretty impressive.

Really impressive, in fact.

Seeing real time, split second moments like a batter turning his wrists when making contact with a breaking ball or the subtleties of a pitcher's grip when throwing a two-seam fastball helps highlight the incredible talent and skill it takes for these athletes to perform at such a high level. With pitchers, you even get to see that useless bit of elbow skin we all have do a funky little dance.

Shake it fast, y'all.

The post-game celebratory man hugs, however, are not so impressive. I mean, seriously, man hugs look awkward in "real" time.

Spare me the slow motion versions.

TWO: Breaking Bad

A short hiatus between leaving my old job and starting my new one has gifted me the time we all daydream about when big life changes present themselves.

The free time has afforded me a chance to settle into my new home, spend quality time with my fiancee who uprooted her life to become a big part of mine, soak in every moment when my young son is around as well as seeing other friends & family members. I've even spent quite a bit of time looking for decorative home ideas on

My username is MrsHairPants, by the way.

The free time -- coupled with waiting 7 days for the cable company to get me hooked up -- also allowed me to discover a little show titled "Breaking Bad" while streaming shows on Netflix between following Red Sox games on my mobile phone.

Have you heard of it? It's on AMC, I believe.

And, after binge watching the entire series in about 10 days, I can say with a great deal of certainty that it's one of the greatest television shows of all time. If you haven't done so, I highly recommend watching it.

Just remember to tread lightly during the later episodes.

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