Wednesday, October 30, 2013

2 Things: This Place Is A Zoo

ONE: Passing Me By

It seems life's journey -- the one of discovery -- can be highlighted by the least likely of places. My virgin voyage as a father visiting the zoo gave me pause and wonder as I watched my son walking around, playing the role of an independent little man, pointing, talking and working his was through his immediate world.

The old adage "they grow up so fast" doesn't quite do justice to the experience.

Carrying him on my shoulders for the second leg of the journey and talking about all the animals we were "visiting" was just as humbling providing further proof that being Declan's father is one job I was most definitely made for.

Plus, the experience also afforded me the greatest "it wasn't me" atmosphere in existence. Every time I farted I was able to blame it on the animals and have the statement believed with absolute certainty even on the drive home.

"Oh, man, my clothes still smell like manure. Brutal."

Worked like a charm.

TWO: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained

Game 6 of the World Series in Boston tonight offers true fans an opportunity to experience the taste of championship victory celebrated at Fenway Park for the first time in almost 100 years. 100 years.

Think about that. 

A century. Lots of shit went down in the past century.


And while I don't have tickets, and certainly don't plan on buying any, I am going on an adventure to watch the game at a bar near the ball park. If they lose, oh well.

But if they win...

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