The non-stop coverage of Aaron Hernandez's murder arrest fiasco has quickly evolved into a daily buzz-kill that needs to stop.
I know we live in a 24-hour news cycle world and all, but can't we find something positive to focus on once in while? Once a day might be a stretch, but how about once a week? Maybe once a month? Anyone? Anyone?
Bueller? Bueller?
Mr. Hernandez lived a double life. We get it. He lacked the common sense to distance himself from a lifestyle his talents afforded distance from. Add entitled arrogance with a sprinkle of brazen clashes and you get a tragic hero who threw a promising life away for what seems to be some sort of street code based on tattoos and thuggery.
You want to know what the saddest part about Aaron's downfall is? His story provides yet another in a long list of examples of how our society is compelled by tragedy.
It seems most of us even identify with it.
The endless "every angle" coverage of negative events by the media certainly doesn't help. How can it? Media outlets don't care about the human condition, they care only about the ratings generated from exploiting it. And people wonder why there never seems to be anything positive to report anymore.
"Goodness" seems to be passing us by when it reality it's slowly being suffocated. It's turned into a myth, an ideal that people used to see but has disappeared and is only now discussed as a rumor or faint memory. It's just a matter of time before it becomes urban legend.
Like Bigfoot.
Tough to see good in the world when you stop paying attention to it, y'all.
Especially when TV ratings are involved.
Quick Thinking
-- Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines is quickly becoming the official Summer Anthem of 2013.
-- Get Lucky by Daft Punk is a very, very close second.
-- And Pharrell having his hands in both in no coincidence.
-- Hey.
-- Hey.
-- Hey.
-- I think the social stigma surrounding the inadequacies of men who experience premature ejaculation could be remedied if instead we heralded them simply as "first responders."
-- Self-emancipating from my personal Facebook account felt a lot like taking the red pill.
-- The symbolism is too obvious to ignore. #thereisnospoon
-- Am I the only one who separates automatic doors by spreading my hands when I approach them to feel like I have a super power?
-- That's kinda what I thought.
-- Just another sign my overactive imagination is getting the better of me more often than not lately.
-- Rust-Oleum recently released a "revolutionary super hydrophobic system" called NeverWet.
-- Any surface you spray it on will, appropriately, never get wet.
-- To be honest, I don't understand what's so "revolutionary" about it.
-- I've been doing the same for every girl I've come into contact with since puberty hit in the late 80's.
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