"I know you hurtin' and worryin', I can feel it on you, but you oughta quit on it now."
- John Coffey
The Green Mile is still, to this day, the single film to evoke tears from me while in an actual movie theater.
Other than The Notebook, of course.
I assure you there was no sobbing, no whimpering. Tears were simply streaming down my cheeks as if I had faulty plumbing. It was bananas...like a reflex that couldn't be helped. Or maybe the "incident" serves as a small shred of evidence that I do, in fact, have a heart.
But I doubt it.
For you trivia buffs, the third movie to ever make me cry was the video from my wedding day. True story.
Lucky for me, the emotion lasted about as long as my marriage did.
All joking aside, rest in peace, Mr. Duncan. May the memory of your life offer solace to loved ones battling the heartache of your passing.
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