The New England Patriots have opened training camp to start preparing for the 2011-2012 season.
Celebrate accordingly.
Quick Thinking
-- Despite lacking any overt use of CGI or excessive special effects, Friends With Benefits tests its audience ability to suspend disbelief and be entertained by a "realistic" story line.
-- And not because of the premise that men and women can maintain "fuck buddy" status without complications.
-- Which they can't.
-- But because the opening scene has Andy Sandburg breaking up with Mila Kunis.
-- C'mon.
-- Metal organisms with transformable DNA living on the dark side of the moon is more believable.
-- They Might Be Giants' new single Can't Keep Johnny Down is an infectious little tune and serves as a stark reminder of just how white I can sometimes be.
-- At least my hipster cred is intact.
-- Quote of the Week goes to my boy Gibson for texting me the following after taking his niece to see the latest modern day commercial redux of an 80's morning cartoon, "30 years later there are still no brothers in Smurf Land. What up with that, what up with that?!"
-- OOOoo-WEEee.
-- Like the NFL counterpart Hard Knocks which inspired its creation, Showtime's The Franchise: A Season with the San Fransisco Giants is worth watching.
-- It gives Red Sox Nation the best reason to hope for a World Series win this season, too.
-- Speaking of cable sports documentaries, HBO's Derek Jeter 3k shows why Jeter has become one of the greatest and widely respected players in baseball history.
-- Regardless of your team allegiance.
-- It also shows that his fiancee, Minka Kelly, is an absolute dime.
-- Wonder what Jeter's hit count is up to with her.
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