Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Quick Thinking: Too Much Information

People feel comfortable telling me things. All kinds of things, actually.

And, while I'm flattered folks trust me enough to share those marginally inappropriate thoughts as they pass through their minds, I have to kindly ask you all to stop.

No, seriously. Stop.

A coworkers recent unsolicited graphic description of the homosexual porn he viewed with his wife the previous evening in an attempt to "try something different" has left an indelible mark on my psyche forcing me to close up my "lend an ear" shop for a little while.

I fear I may never recover.

Quick Thinking

-- He may be losing his grip on reality, but Charlie Sheen's idea of the perfect work environment involving, "sandwiches, massages & handjobs," is tough to argue with.

-- Speaking of Mr. Sheen, did you hear him say all this debauchery is a gift he's giving to people?

-- I wonder what type of reciprocal gifts all those porn stars are giving him.

-- Other than herpes, of course.

-- Don't look now, but here comes madness of the March variety.

-- Odette Yustman is moving up my celebrity crush list ladder.


-- Quite nimbly, I might add.

-- I miss listening to Dale & Holley during my mid-day drives.

-- Big ups to Danny Ainge for having the courage to build for the future.

-- After all, nostalgia doesn't win championships.

-- Quote of the Week goes to yours truly for saying the following to a coworker in an attempt to make her laugh after she shared with a group of us that her grandmother MAY HAVE HAD a stroke, "Well on the bright side, if she did, at least she can be Rocky every Halloween."

-- Awkward Moment of the Week is credited to said coworker when she responded, "Not really, Terrence. She's black."

-- My response earns Quote of the Week II honors, "Oh, than just give her some American flag shorts and she can be the old version of Apollo. You know, if
Drago hadn't killed him."

-- It also inches me closer to that penthouse in Hell I seemed destined for.

-- Hope the view is good.

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