Sunday, February 7, 2010

Prognosticate This

I think we all know the main question circulating locker rooms across America today, dear readers.

No, Erik, not that question.

Let me try and clarify a few things before moving on. First, I meant the "we" as a collective group of sports fans gearing up for today's Super Bowl as opposed to a group of guys drying their unmentionables with small white towels. Second, the opening sentence was to serve as more of a rhetorical statement than an actual question. And last, but certainly not least, even if I was being literal about locker room questions never shout that one out. Ever.

So you know, though, jock itch and herpes are very, very different things. Please treat accordingly if you're seriously questioning that. Oh, and you can keep that towel I let you borrow last week.

Moving right along.

I don't have much in the way of pithy comments or witty insight on the biggest sporting event day of the year. What I do have, however, is a gut feeling that the Colts are going to win by 2 scores. The facts are simply too obvious to deny, dear readers: Peyton Manning is the best quarterback in football and he will not be denied another Super Bowl trophy today.

Colts: 45
Saints: 31

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