Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Morning After: Waiting Game

We find ourselves in the midst of our calendar's biggest sports lull this week, dear readers. The Super Bowl has come and gone. NBA teams are in neutral until the playoffs. Baseball is on the horizon but offers no competitive release until March. College basketball is nothing until the Madness begins. The Olympics has lost its shine. And hockey simply doesn't count.

But, hey, at least golf season has started.

Quick Thinking

-- The talent and skill level of Olympic skiers can't be fully appreciated through television broadcasts.

-- Hyperbole Award of the Week goes to Tom Verducci for this excerpt from The Yankee Years describing Derek Jeter's infamous "Flip Play" out against Oakland in the 2001 ALDS:

"Jeter made a play that only could have been made by a player with supreme alertness, the mental computing power to quickly crunch the advanced baseball calculus needed to process the trajectory and speed of Spencer's throw and the speed and location of a runner behind his back, and the athletic and improvisational skills while running in a direction opposite to the plate."

-- I guess "He just got lucky" didn't read as well.

-- ...then Jeter looked at what he had done and saw it was good. And, in the bottom of the 7th, he rested from all his work...

-- Good grief.

-- Question of the Week: What is the longest running sporting event in the United States?

-- Here's a hint: the Westminster Dog Show places second.

-- Since when is parading dogs with names like "Flornell Spicy Bit of Halleston" & "Rock Ridge Night Rocket" around in a circle on a cheesy stage considered a sport?

-- Wonder where "stripping" places on that list...

-- Wakka, wakka, wakka.

-- If Curling is seriously considered an Olympic sport than I'm officially starting a petition to get Team Flip Cup and Beer Pong in the 2014 Games.

-- Nothing says "I Love You" on Valentine's Day more than a Snapped marathon on Oxygen.

-- Live Out Loud, right?

-- Or, better yet, Kill Your Husband and Live Out Loud After Collecting His Life Insurance Policy.

-- Opening Day can't get here fast enough.

-- Answer of the Week: The Kentucky Derby.

-- Skinny jeans and knee high boots are a girl's best friend during the winter months.

-- Oversized sunglasses, for obvious reasons, are a close second.

-- If you don't like sleep walking through life than you need to watch Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup.

-- Ask Questions. Demand Answers.

-- Oh, and make sure those S's are crisp!


Anonymous said...

Jeter joke = classic. And, dead on. LOL (I'm not just typing that).

Anonymous said...

Dear bobbiedean,

Any joke against the arch enemy of my beloved Red Sawx is worthy of a genuine "LOL."

In addition, although I haven't had a chance to verify this myself, there's a rumor that when Derek attempted to step into the hot tub for a post game soak he simply stood atop the water.

And the jacuzzi jets were on.

Anonymous said...

:) And, we all know what happens to poor Peter, correction Jeter, when he takes his eyes off the prize......

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, I have yet to see a woman on the U.S. Curling team who wasn't hot.

Anonymous said...

Dear E-Boog,

And by "hot" do you mean "average looking?"