Samuel Taylor Coleridge devised the idea of "willing suspension of disbelief" to help readers justify the use of fantastic or non-realistic elements in literature.
Maybe someone should tell Tim Tebow it wasn't intended for use in real life situations.
Florida's senior quarterback was recently asked at a press conference if he was "saving" himself for marriage. Mr. Tebow promptly responded, "Yes, I am." The admission has sparked national media discussion and online chatter about Tim's virginity & "willpower" along with photos of what is believed to be his girlfriend.
Two things:
1) The woman in said pictures floating around the internet is not his girlfriend. It's model Lucy Pinder.
2) If Lucy Pinder was his girlfriend Tim's Christian beliefs would quickly be replaced with Born Again Christian beliefs.
Don't believe me?
Well, you know the old adage, dear readers: a picture is worth a thousand words.
And, in this case, a few moments alone in your bedroom with the door shut.
You STILL don't believe that desire can trump a belief structure?
Go ask King Henry VIII and the Church of England how they feel about it.
Quick Thinking
-- After seeing the tape of Lebron getting "dunked" on my thought process echoed a favorite saying of my 12th grade theology teacher, Br. William Farias: B.F.D.
-- Yes, the acronym means what you think it means.
-- New England Patriots rookies reported to camp yesterday. Football season cometh!
-- But, apparently, Tim Tebow doesn't.
-- Hey, Brett: I hope you're ego is getting all the stroking it needs while you "decide" whether to sign with the Vikings or stay retired.
-- Selfish prick.
-- I think we need to get off Michael Vick's back about recently visiting a strip club. He was in jail for a long time, y'all. Let the man see some titties in peace.
-- I'm happy that Matt Holiday was traded to the St. Louis Cardinals. He just didn't look right in an Oakland Athletics uniform.
-- Kudos to Hannah Storm's stylist. She gets sexier every time I watch ESPN Live.
-- Just for the record: I will never attend nor plan to attend a Gun Show.
-- Unless, of course, I'm walking around with my shirt off.
-- Am I the only person who wonders what happened to Bud Dry?
-- Congratulations to Jim Rice for finally being inducted into Baseball's Hall of Fame after 15 years on the ballot. Slow and steady, Jim. Slow and steady.
-- Embargo is muscling it's way to the top of my Favorite Word List.
-- Um, yes. I actually have a list for my favorite words. But don't tell anyone, ok? It'll ruin my street cred.
-- I recently came across an old 80's movie starring Micky Rourke and my only question is: Are you fucking kidding me?
-- Quote of the Week comes from Big Nick when, while walking down the beach in the middle of the day, we spied an older woman laying on the beach with her boyfriend giving him a hand job: "Maybe one of us should lay on her other side and see if she knows how to ski."
-- Well played, Nicholas. Well played.
-- It occurred to me that the guys I've played ball with my entire life are an average of 10-12 years older than every other team in a summer league we just started competing in on Sunday mornings.
-- It also occurred to me that we're eventually going to win the championship with relative ease.
-- The only unrealistic scenario of the new Transformers Movie is the fact that Shia LeBeouf's character would move to another coast and attend college while dating Megan Fox.
-- Oakland A's Manager Bob Geren looks an awful lot like the American Dreams manager from Nintendo's Baseball Stars.
-- Best baseball game ever.
-- If I were Cantador I'd be worried about the fact that Lance has been out of competitive racing for 4 years and he still finished 3rd in the "Tour."
-- Livestrong, bitches.
-- I'm starting to feel like the Sox are going quietly into the night.
-- Despite the fact that Michael Vick's actions were despicable I still hope he gets a chance at redemption.
-- Memo to T.O.: Focus on dropping the ball less and keeping your mouth shut more. Your latest criticism of Roger Goodell is proof you still don't get it.
-- Another Memo to T.O.: You can talk shit about your boss in private to other co-workers but you can't do it in public. Especially when there's a microphone in front of you. Ge'ez.
-- Can someone please explain to me the cultural importance of Comic-Con?
-- You know you're getting old when one of the Beastie Boys is diagnosed with cancer. Good luck with the fight, MCA.
-- If you haven't done so already make time to watch HBO's documentary: The Kid: The Life and Death of Ted Williams.
-- The videos of Erin Andrews circling the Internet helps prove the age old adage that seeing hot celebrities naked never gets old.
-- EVER.
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