So I'm playing basketball again. And, admittedly, that statement in and of itself is certainly not newsworthy. I mean, the NBA draft was weeks ago.
I missed my window.
What is newsworthy, however, was the immediate feeling my 40-something self recognized so quickly after lacing up a pair of high-tops for the first time in 7 years and trying to compete with the 20-something crowd: I'm too old to play.
There, I said it.
My wits on the court are still fully intact, of course. With the exception of some instances where my competitive fire trumped sound decision making, I've always been a "high basketball IQ" guy...a thinker.
Outthinking the competition started at a very young age for me. I couldn't match the physicality of my older brothers and their friends when I was younger (and undersized), so outthinking them was my only chance to be effective.
Battling older friends and family as an undersized youth is also where I developed that chip on my shoulder and my sharp tongue, but that's another story for another time.
The sad reality is this 6'4" frame isn't athletic enough to contribute effectively anymore. Not even close. Some may find this hard to believe, but my first-step quickness, athleticism, and jumping ability were a big part of my game -- a BIG part -- and their absence has made my margin for error too small.
Luckily, the vivid memories of being faster than most of my competition or being able to easily dunk a basketball don't cloud my thinking to overcome the current reality that I can't do either anymore. They simply serve as a healthy reminder that any thoughts of the past live exactly where they need to: in the past. After all, Father Time is one competitor I can't outthink.
Mother Earth, on the other hand...
Quick Thinking
-- Big ups to HBO for being innovative (read: pretending to be Netflix) and releasing every episode of The Defiant Ones on their streaming services HBO GO & HBO NOW.
-- The 4-part series, chronicling the careers and relationship between Dr. Dre, Jimmy Iovine and how they sold Beats by Dre to Apple, Inc. for 3 billion dollars, is worth the watch.
-- And as binge-worthy as it gets.
-- The best song you don't know about right now is Gettin' Old by 6LACK.
-- R.LUM.R's Frustrated is a close second.
-- The toughest part about getting older is the whole getting wiser that comes along with it.
-- Trust me.
-- Of the two, I'd take my youthful ignorance over my youthful body any day.
-- You know, because Viagra.
-- Speaking of Viagra, Wild Thoughts, Rihanna's latest collaboration with DJ Khaled, will undoubtedly be the jam of Summer 2017.
-- Doesn't hurt that it samples Maria Maria, one Santana's best from Supernatural.
-- The accompanying video also solidifies Rihanna as the sexiest woman in show business right now.
-- Not to be mistaken with the most beautiful one, of course.
-- Who is obviously Gail Gadot.
-- Try and disagree.
-- I dare you.
-- Wonder Woman, indeed.
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