Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Quick Thinking: What Does It All Mean?

The existential crisis has begun, dear readers. Stepping through the doorway into my 40's and I find myself questioning everything. 

And I mean everything. 

From "who am I?" to "why are we here?" to "what the eff is going on with this world lately?" to "who will rule over Westeros following the Long Night?" 

Like I said, everything.

Could the inner dialogue be a mid-life thing I'm going through? Maybe. Could it just be I'm becoming the "old guy" who resents the world more as he ages? Definite possibility.

After all, I do resent today's youth a little bit.  



I don't resent the younger generation because the advances of modern society they benefit from or anything. Everything they have at their disposal is at mine, too. 

I'm all for moving forward with forward thinking and technology. 

My resentment comes from the fact that their entire world is built around instant gratification. Everything from music to movies to food to sex -- yes, even sex -- can be found at their literal fingertips.

Just swipe right, baby.

The convenience is fantastic. No question. But the resulting mindset lacks the basic understanding that effort and time are required to achieve things. Important things, anyway. Not everything can be had the moment you want it, the world doesn't work that way.

When I was growing up --  and here comes the "old guy" mentality -- you'd have to wait a week to see the next episode of your favorite show. There was no binge watching. You'd have to go to the library to do research for related school work. There was no internet. You had to stash a Victoria's Secret catalog in the drop ceiling of your basement bathroom to discover your sexuality. There was no porn.

And that's what it really comes down to, I guess. The younger generation will never understand the creative thinking, planning, ingenuity and patience it took to strategically place mail-order catalogs along with small bottles of warm vanilla sugar lotion around a high-traffic home during those "coming of age years" we all experience because you never knew when you were going to need them and who would be around when you did.

And those types of skills are necessary in today's world. 

Now more than ever.



Generational specifics aside, I don't think my current thought processes are age related. I don't think they're the result of some mid-life realization of mortality either. I think they're entirely world related, plain and simple. 

Today's world is in a weird spot, y'all. And, no, not just because an internet troll is running our country. Today's world is in a weird spot because a lot of issues and uproar involve people rallying to blame other people for whatever injustices they're experiencing. It's classic scapegoat mentality. 

And it's an epidemic hitting critical mass.

As I reflect on what I can do better to change my immediate surroundings -- and by "immediate surroundings" I mean the things in my life I can actually control -- I hope others do too. 

I think we need to all stop looking to blame others and cry for change and start with ourselves. Change our outlooks, change our attitudes, change the way we think, change complaining every day, embrace what's good, be thankful for what we have, get whatever finances you have in order, be disciplined, be responsible and, most importantly, no matter what other folks may be saying, value and love yourself first.

Especially if there's warm vanilla sugar lotion involved.


Quick Thinking

-- The parity surrounding this year's NFL season is setting the table for yet another New England Patriots Super Bowl appearance.

-- Crazy to think of after watching Kansas City slap them around on opening night.

-- The best song you're not listening to right now is Joy by Leven Kali.

-- Netflix's newest show Mindhunter feels like a really long episode of Silence of the Lambs and really worth the watch.

-- Goodbye, horses.

-- Quote of the Week goes to my son Declan for saying the following after he saw a picture of the Halloween costume I've been making for him over the past few weeks, "If you're going to do something, Dad, don't you want to do your best?"

-- My response was immediate, "This is my best, bud." 

-- To which he replied, "I think you can do better."

-- Gotta respect the honesty.

-- And the thought process.

-- And the fact that he thinks I can do better.

-- Little does he know the door he's opened because I can't WAIT to use that same line of logic on him when he's in a bit older.

-- It applies any number of situations.

-- Pandora's box, indeed.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Quick Thinking: The Long Night

Like most folks, I'm marginally obsessed with Game of Thrones. Falls in line with my personality, really. I have that whole obsessive-compulsive thing going on sometimes.

And by "sometimes" I mean "all the time."

For the record, I'm a late adopter to the show. I didn't even know what Game of Thrones was the first 4 years or so it was on. But, at the behest of a very close friend -- my boy Baba Ganoush* -- I watched episode 9 of season 4 the night it aired a few years back.

I've been hooked since.

The entirety of the series was binge-watched that following week. I've even rewatched the series a few times looking for hints and foreshadowing events I may have missed during initial viewings because, as we all know, the writers are famous for telling you what's going to happen before it actually happens.


Difficult to catch everything the first time around with all that T&A. Shit can get distracting. Especially when it comes to my early season favorite Ros.


Or my girl Melisandre. 

I guess it only makes sense a red priestess who can bring people back from the dead has perfect breasts. (Those, of course, can not be pictured here. Use the Google machine if you need to.)


But, despite the beautiful naked woman, engaging story and time invested, I want the series to end.

There, I said it.

Game of Thrones will go down as one of the greatest shows in HBO's history. No question. But I just want to know how it ends already. All the speculating, build up and waiting is exhausting. I need HBO to pull a Netflix and just release the remaining episodes so I can watch them and get on with my life.

Until the spin-offs, of course.

*names have been changed to protect the innocent

Quick Thinking

-- The Founder, a movie currently streaming on Netflix starring Michael Keaton, details how Ray Kroc turned McDonald's into the most successful fast food chain in the world is an interesting watch and taught me a few things.

-- First, he did it by standing on the shoulders of others.

-- Which, sadly, is what the American Dream really is about.

-- Filthy rich, indeed.

-- Second, Mr. Keaton, the Batman I remember most from my youth, looks old.

-- My summer basketball league career came to an end Tuesday night when we lost to the #1 seed in the playoffs.

-- Can't win a game when you gift the opposing team 9 points off free-throws because of technical fouls while arguing over calls with the refs.

-- We lost by 7, btw.

-- I just watched a Bud Light commercial highlighting...wait for it...Drone Racing.

-- As a self-proclaimed nerd, I love how "nerd culture" continues to influence our economic landscape.

-- Speaking of nerd culture, I bet my cousin 2 weeks ago I would let him shave my eyebrows off if a dragon doesn't die during this season of Game of Thrones.

-- If one does, I get free entry into his Fantasy Football League this season.

-- F**K YEAH!

-- I really, really, really hope I'm right

-- And, yes, it still counts as a "death" if the dragon is resurrected by the Night King.

-- The best song you don't know about right now is Rough Soul by Goldlink featuring April George.

-- The hook melody is CRAZY infectious.

-- His little shimmy shake while signing is pretty good, too.  

--  Yuh.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Quick Thinking: The Lying King

I crossed paths with my ex-wife at Capron Park Zoo last week for the first time since our divorce hearing a few years back and, listen, it affected me far differently than I would have expected. 

This is a woman who took advantage of me emotionally, name it. She had very unkind things to say about the people in my family toward the end of our relationship. Those same people, by the way, showed her nothing but love and support  -- even after she confessed to physically abusing me in front of them. 


My ex-wife punched me in the face three times one night when I approached her with questions of infidelity. While packing my bag to leave, she continued her tirade, challenging me to "be a man" peppered with motivational gems like "stand up for yourself!" and "you're going to let a little girl hit you like that?!"

Good times.

Her tactics after the incident were as predictable as she was -- she tried to control the narrative by going to my parent's home, waking them, putting on the tears and explaining how she was "concerned" about me. Of course, she conveniently forgot to tell them about punching me in the face while I stood there with my hands in my pockets. (literally) 

After finding respite at my cousin's house, I had him drop me off at the end of my folk's street because I figured she'd go there. (Like I said, she was predictable.) I walked to the front door and sat on the steps listening to their conversation. After about 30 minutes, I walked in and confronted her with one simple statement, "Have the courage to tell them the truth before I do." She broke down and admitted the truth before running into some back bedroom crying.

I was proven right about the infidelity sometime after, by the way. But that's another story for another time. 

You wouldn't believe the circumstances if I told you anyway.


Anger. I expected to feel anger. I mean, I'm entirely justified to feel it. But I didn't really feel anger. I didn't really feel anything. I felt pity, kind of, because she looked tired. Like really, really tired. Not "bad" or "ugly" or anything. (I mean, pretty has always been easy for her. 
Botox is good like that.) She just looked really tired. She looked a little sad, too, but she always looked like that. Knowing zero about her life now, I felt bad for her in that moment and found myself wishing for her to be happy.  

Sure, I also had a quick daydream about throwing her in the lion's den directly behind her at the zoo, but that felt more like comic relief than anything else. 

Besides, lion's are smart enough not to eat spoiled meat.


Quick Thinking

-- 3 weeks into Season 7 of Game of Thrones and it's evident that at least one dragon will die and fall victim to the Night King, Dany and John will sex it up, Arya will kill Littlefinger and Cersei will, well, continue to be Cersei.

-- Yup. Game of Thrones is getting predictable. 

-- There, I said it.

-- But "set-up" stories typically are.

-- The Season 8 payoff for all these story lines should be absolute madness, though.

-- Can't.

-- Wait.

-- The best song you don't know about right now is Memory Of by De La Soul. 

-- Quote of the Week goes to yours truly for saying the following to my colleagues after we watched Ramses the Lion pee and poop on one of the 2 lionesses he's caged with at Capron Park Zoo, "The king of beasts certainly is majestic."

-- In his defense, wet wipes are tough to come by in the animal kingdom.

-- Thank god us humans have them, though. My hairpants make post-poop wiping an adventure without them.

-- Even with them it can still be a bit tricky.

-- Yup, I said that, too. 

-- Shopping for houses the past few months has taught me one very valuable lesson: HGTV is full of shit.

-- It feels way too early for football season to be 4 weeks away.

-- Reps in peace Summer 2017.

-- It's like you're ending before you've even started.

-- Kinda like my high school sex life.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Quick Thinking: Defining Moments

I'm learning more and more that people's opinions of me are not based on who I actually am but, rather, who that person needs me to be relative to their own worldview.

Let me give an example. 

This weekend, a close friend's wife made a telling statement about why her husband isn't "allowed" to socialize with me very often. (Something about "getting drunk until 4 in the morning" was mentioned.) My response was as immediate as it was simple, "Sounds like displacement to me." 

I didn't try and educate her or "prove her wrong." It would be a fool's errand. The truth of the matter is I need to be the villain for her worldview to make sense

She needs me on that wall. She wants me on that wall.

For the record, I drink twice or so a month these days...maybe less. Sometimes months go by and I don't have one drink. Partly because my life schedule is dictated by my 6-year-old son but, even more importantly, because alcohol simply isn't a big part of my life anymore. 

Not by mandate or anything, but by choice. 

I find life more rewarding when I'm not throwing away money going out all the time or wasting time nursing headaches the next morning. 

But that reality doesn't work for my friend's wife. If she viewed me for who I really was today, as opposed to who I may have been in the past, she couldn't come up with an easy, blameless reason why her husband "can't go out tonight." The realities must remain mutually exclusive, of course, or her actions wouldn't be seen as a "wife making responsible decisions" but one who is a finding pleasure in controlling those around her. 

And that's certainly not something she could ever admit to anyone about herself.

Talk about irony.

Quick Thinking

-- Quote of the Week goes to Connor McGregor for responding to Draymond Green's "we rocking with Floyd bro not you, take that off bruh" quip by saying, "I don't know or give a f*** about basketball. I bounce heads off the floor. Not a ball."

-- Win or lose, Connor is an A++ self-promoting trash talker.

-- Reminds me of Ali.

-- Or is it Will Smith?

-- Either way...

-- ...the champ is here!

-- Editorial Note of the Week: Photobucket, the image storage app I've used since this blog's inception, has decided to charge almost 500 bucks a year for photo storage and third party linkage. As a result, all my past blogs will have a broken link where an image once lived. Sorry for any resulting confusion.

-- The best song you don't know about right now is Navajo by Masego.

-- Alt Shift X keeps killing it with his analysis of all things Game of Thrones. His episode 1 breakdown is as good as it gets.

-- Speaking of Game of Thrones and being as good as it gets...did y'all catch Missandei in episode 2?! 

-- I found myself rewatching her scene with Greyworm over and over.

-- You know, because those tricky writers hide so many hints, easter eggs and foreshadowing in each scene. 

-- And I can say, with absolute certainty, that Winter isn't the only thing that came this season.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Quick Thinking: Game Theory

So I'm playing basketball again. And, admittedly, that statement in and of itself is certainly not newsworthy. I mean, the NBA draft was weeks ago. 

I missed my window.

What is newsworthy, however, was the immediate feeling my 40-something self recognized so quickly after lacing up a pair of high-tops for the first time in 7 years and trying to compete with the 20-something crowd: I'm too old to play.

There, I said it.

My wits on the court are still fully intact, of course. With the exception of some instances where my competitive fire trumped sound decision making, I've always been a "high basketball IQ" guy...a thinker. 


Outthinking the competition started at a very young age for me. I couldn't match the physicality of my older brothers and their friends when I was younger (and undersized), so outthinking them was my only chance to be effective. 

Battling older friends and family as an undersized youth is also where I developed that chip on my shoulder and my sharp tongue, but that's another story for another time.


The sad reality is this 6'4" frame isn't athletic enough to contribute effectively anymore. Not even close. Some may find this hard to believe, but my first-step quickness, athleticism, and jumping ability were a big part of my game -- a BIG part -- and their absence has made my margin for error too small. 

Luckily, the vivid memories of being faster than most of my competition or being able to easily dunk a basketball don't cloud my thinking to overcome the current reality that I can't do either anymore. They simply serve as a healthy reminder that any thoughts of the past live exactly where they need to: in the past. After all, Father Time is one competitor I can't outthink.

Mother Earth, on the other hand...

Quick Thinking

-- Big ups to HBO for being innovative (read: pretending to be Netflix) and releasing every episode of The Defiant Ones on their streaming services HBO GO & HBO NOW.

-- The 4-part series, chronicling the careers and relationship between Dr. Dre, Jimmy Iovine and how they sold Beats by Dre to Apple, Inc. for 3 billion dollars, is worth the watch.

-- And as binge-worthy as it gets.

-- The best song you don't know about right now is Gettin' Old by 6LACK. 

-- R.LUM.R's Frustrated is a close second.

-- The toughest part about getting older is the whole getting wiser that comes along with it.

-- Trust me.

-- Of the two, I'd take my youthful ignorance over my youthful body any day.

-- You know, because Viagra.

-- Speaking of Viagra, Wild Thoughts, Rihanna's latest collaboration with DJ Khaled, will undoubtedly be the jam of Summer 2017.

-- Doesn't hurt that it samples Maria Maria, one Santana's best from Supernatural.

-- The accompanying video also solidifies Rihanna as the sexiest woman in show business right now.

-- Not to be mistaken with the most beautiful one, of course.

-- Who is obviously Gail Gadot.

-- Try and disagree. 

-- I dare you.

-- Wonder Woman, indeed.