I've been fighting a battle, dear readers. One that only family members really know about. But, since the entire ordeal is coming to an end very soon, it's time for me to do my cathartic writing thing.
I'm getting a divorce, y'all.
And, while speculation, rumors and conjecture will surely swirl, you won't hear me discuss it in any meaningful way. I'm struggling with it a bit so I'll make jokes, for sure. That's my coping mechanism. But offering insight or rationale on a situation that lacks both would be folly.
At the end of the day, the relationship was built largely on perception rather than reality. It was nothing more than a social media house of cards that lacked any semblance of a sustainable foundation.
The track Taxi, by my man Mos Def featuring Whosane, desribes it best. If you listen to the entire song -- really listen -- it provides, eerily, a more accurate summary than my babbling ever could. Especially the final few lines.
Quick Thinking
-- Watching the pieces fall together for another Patriots Super Bowl run has been more satisfying this year than any other.
-- Star Wars: The Force Awakens delivers on the hyped promise.
-- And Ms. Daisy Ridley, who plays Rey, is an absolute superstar in the making.
-- So is that Han Solo guy.
-- Princess Leia's expressionless face freaked me out, though.
-- Apparently botox works better than "the force" on her wrinkles.
-- Silver Lining Note of the Week: My second marriage lasted 7 times longer than my first.
-- If only I could say the same for the stamina in my sex life over the years. #45secondsofthunder
-- Having two general managers for your fantasy football roster provides the structure of checks-and-balances essential for success.
-- Or at least a second place spot after 15 weeks.
-- If only I was as proficient at picking wives as I am at bargain fantasy quarterbacks. #bortlesforabuck
-- Or at naming said fantasy football team.
-- We're team My Ball Zach Ertz, by the way.
-- Recently learned some people emphatically referred to me as "TJ" because they felt "Terrence" sounded too ethnic.
-- I guess growing up in Central Falls and having an affinity for hip-hop paints a picture for some. #perception
-- Rediscovering oneself is the greatest gift chosen solitude provides.
-- Especially in the shower.
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