Life's journey is wrought with pitfalls, y'all. And I'm not talking about the scorpion-and-goldbar-laden kind Harry could see coming during his epic Atari-based adventure. I'm talking about the ones that seem to happen for no reason.
No contact.
No build-up.
No preparation.
No alligator pits.
No swinging vines hanging over quicksand.
Nothing at all to indicate something bad may be coming around the next corner: just -- BOOM! -- and you're in a life altering shit storm.
Think Dion Lewis' knee injury but without the new 1.2 million guaranteed contract. Or Jon Snow getting hornswoggled by his Night's Watch brethren without the power to warg.
And when those pitfalls come your way, dear readers, I have one bit of advice: laugh. Not because pitfalls and challenges are funny. Blowing out a knee or being stabbed certainly isn't. Neither is being the target of someone's failed botox treatment or Audi-envy revenge tour.
Trust me.
Laugh because of the world we live in. One where the color of a cup or the psi in a ball can dominate headlines becoming more polarizing than the death of the middle class, the decaying worth of hard work or the failing education system.
We live in a world where folks are so entrenched in how they look in a selfie that they've lost all connection with who the person behind the selfie is. Cycle that mentality with a controlling news stream based on fear followed by commercials touting magical pills to "make it all better" or magazine stands focused on why we're ugly next to the booze you can buy to placate and folks become too stupid to change anything in their world.
Other than the photo filter of that selfie they just snapped on the phone-they-just-bought-that's-exactly-like-the-6-month-old-phone-they-had, of course.
That means, until someone develops a filter to fix how self absorbed and ignorant most people are, the world will continue as is. Folks don't want to challenge themselves or anyone else to change. They only want the same simplicity of scapegoats and blame -- similar to most every news story they're fed -- to comfort their own lack of self awareness. It's a sad state really. One where laughter becomes the only remedy to combat all the absurdity.
The occasional orgasm probably doesn't hurt either.
Or so I'm told.
Quick Thinking
-- The only red cups I cared about this week were bouncing down the runway at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show on Tuesday.
-- They certainly say more about the holiday spirit than Starbucks.
-- The New England Patriots repeat chances took a big hit when Dion Lewis went down with an ACL tear during Sunday's contest against the Washington Redskins.
-- The real sad part is his single fall trumped the amount of times my ex went down over the past three years.
-- True story.
-- Speaking of failed fantasies, my fantasy football team's season high 2-game win streak was overshadowed by losing both Ben Roethlisberger and Dion Lewis on the same day.
-- RIP to my 2015 season.
-- But, just like I've been telling myself concerning most things in my life these days: there's always next year!
-- Shia LeBeouf Live is the most splendid video to hit the internet since Old Gregg back in '07.
-- Well, other than porn of course.
-- Oh, and the new Star Wars trailer.
-- Speaking of Star Wars fever, you know Disney has gone too far with their licensing when you can buy C3P0 sex toys.
-- The Force Awakens, indeed.
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