Thursday, August 7, 2014

Quick Thinking: Obvious Isn't Always Obvious

It's not always easy to calm the noise that is life, dear readers. It's nearly impossible most of the time. But doing so is a very necessary part of maintaining happiness.

Paramount, actually.

So my advice today is simple: take a moment and think about what solely makes YOU happy. It could be a hug from that special person, it could be a song, it could be a favorite TV show, it could be talking to a favorite family member, it could be chocolate cake, it could taking a long shower, it could be running in the rain, it could be riding a motorcycle, it could dressing like a clown…it could be anything, really. 

Whatever it is, embrace that shit. Because when you lose self happiness you'll never find it anywhere else.

Regardless of how hard you look.

Quick Thinking

-- The viral story that won't go away starring a man attending Comic Con tripping on 'shrooms and texting a girlfriend the experience is faker than his girlfriend.

-- Question of the Week: How much revenue did the computer & video game industry generate in 2013? (Answer near bottom of blog)

-- Here's a hint: it was 10.5 billion in 2009.

-- And the number has mos definitely gone up.

-- No, that's not a typo.

-- Speaking of bullshit stories, LeBron claiming his summer weight loss is the result of a "carb-cutting diet" is the biggest sports-related lie since Orioles' Brady Anderson credited "sideburns" for his sudden hitting power in the 90's. 

-- Quote of the Week goes to Nolan Bushnell, the man who brought us Atari, for saying "Everyone who has ever taken a shower has had an idea. It's the person who gets out of the shower, dries off, and does something about it that makes a difference."

-- Preaching to the choir, Nolan. Preaching to the choir.

-- By the way, thanks for gifting me a way to defeat my older brothers at something competitive during my formative years.

-- Oh, and for providing a spark for the early development of my trash talking skillz.

-- That's right, skills to the "z."

-- I was UNSTOPPABLE at Dig Dug, StampedeKeystone Kapers

-- The ass-kickings I took following their embarrassing loses were well worth the resulting therapy bills.

-- Video Games: The Movie is an insightful little documentary detailing the birth of the gaming industry that dominates our popular culture today. 

-- Answer of the Week: 24.8 billion dollars.

-- For perspective, that number is nearly 3 times what the NFL generated in 2013.

-- Sounds strange when you read it aloud. Try it, "In 2013, the gaming industry generated 3 times the revenue of the National Football League, the most lucrative sport in American history."

-- It's a full blow Geek Apocalypse up in here, y'all.

-- Get on board or perish.

-- Braaaains.

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