Have you guys heard about this chick at Cornell who filmed herself masturbating in the school library that's going
viral? Get out from under that rock if you haven't.
Or just click here to read about it.
I mean, I get it. The library was one of my favorite places to masturbate when I was in college. Good 'ol Phillips Memorial at PC.
God knows I wasn't studying every minute I was in there.
But the thing is, I never thought about filming myself doing it. Not once. I guess I should have because they say the camera adds 10 pounds.
And I need all the help I can get.
Quick Thinking
-- A second Red Sox manager fired following a second disappointing Red Sox season in as many years.
-- At least they're consistent.
-- Bacon preparation is a good omen for any meal.
-- Regardless of the time of day.
-- It's not the people who won't forget transgressions and mistakes that bother me.
-- It's the ones who conveniently forget acts of kindness and support that I can't stand.
-- I like summer and all, but a sip of Octoberfest, a little football & my favorite serial killer back on TV make the transition into fall a bit more bearable.
-- Taken 2 looks bad ass. #goodluck
-- Charlize Theron still has it.
-- Actually not sure she ever lost it.
-- Soapbox Moment of the Week is awarded to my one of my co-workers (to protect the identity of the innocent, let's simply call him "John") who, when informed of an inventory discrepancy, declared the following for our entire staff to hear, "This company is ridiculous. Where I come from, when you tell a client something is available, it needs to be available. That's where I come from."
-- My response earns me Quote of the Week honors, "Right, Availability. I've heard of that town. It's down south in one of the Carolinas, isn't it?"
-- I think it earns me a few bonus asshole points as well.
1 comment:
I like how the Cornell spokesperson refers to it as "Pretty Sick". This is where the written word can get you in trouble. It is "Pretty Sick" (with two thumbs up and nodding)? Or "Pretty Sick" shaking your head left to right. In my mind, its Andy from The Office giving a fist pump as he says it while wearing a Cornell sweatshirt.
Charlize Theron is the perfect women in this anonymous bloggers opinion. First, she is beautiful. I mean, really beautiful. Second, from everything I've ever read about her she seems very cool and down to earth. I read a story about how one reporter sat down to interview her and she demanded they do tequilla shots at noon before she would say anything on the record. Third, she is not a native born American, so she probably does not have all the repressed hang ups that is in our nurture. Fourth, at 15 she saw her mother shoot her father to death, so she is probably just the right amount of damaged\crazy to be a phenom in bed. Fifth, she is a very talented actress.
See Young Adult if you have not already.
- Sexington out.
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