Recent interactions with the population-at-large has learned me the following fact: reality has been relegated to no more than a vacation spot for most people. Everyone knows it exists. Shit, most folks even decide to visit once in a while.
But no one seems to reside there anymore.
I implore you, dear readers, please look into relocating if you don't already live in reality. But, if you're locked into an unbreakable lease, at the very least dare to visit Reality Island a little more often.
And I'm not talking about your own little corner of the island. I'm talking about the entire land mass; especially the parts you've never visited or even knew existed. Trust me, the weather is always nice, the truths are always simple (whether you accept them or not is a different story) and rent doesn't cost a penny.
Plus, it has the best water park ever.
Quick Thinking
-- Rondo's elbow dislocation during our failed playoff run was the grossest thing I've seen as a Celtics fan since watching Greg Kite play.
-- His resiliency following the injury, on the other hand, makes Rocky and Rudy, the greatest fictional "little engine that could" characters of all time, look like quitters.
-- The chant of "rondo. Rondo. RONDO!" better shake the foundation of the Garden at the start of next season, y'all.
-- Speaking of worst-to-first stories, how 'bout those Red Sox, huh? I guess the rumors of their untimely demise were greatly exaggerated after all.
-- Am I the only one that thinks Nabisco is adding chocolate flavored crack to Oreos? I can't stop eating these fucking things.
-- I'm starting to feel like Tyrone Biggums around them.
-- Big congratulatory shout out to my zodiac sign sharing big cousin, Joe Anter, who tied the knot at 10,000 feet wearing a tux with his trademark skis in Solitude, UT.
-- Beep again, brother. Beep. Again.
-- Reality Check of the Week comes from yours truly and highlights a hard lesson that, especially in today's social media world, the ability to express thoughts and feelings "in confidence" doesn't exist anymore.
-- People jumping to conclusions after learning small bits of information about others, however, is alive and well.
-- Thriving, in fact.
-- But do me a favor and don't tell anyone I said that though, ok?
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