Friday, September 3, 2010

Quick Thinking: Progressive Aggressive

We live in a world where every human behavior has been coddled into a "condition" and remedied with a "prescription."

Medication Nation, y'all. Pop a pill and drink it in.

The problem, however, is obvious: some undesirable conduct can't be remedied over-the-counter at your local CVS Pharmacy. So, until the "cure-all" pill is released, I'm starting a lobby to change the negative connotation associated with common human M.O.'s by simply calling them something else.

Let's start this "give-it-a-name" movement with "Passive Aggressive" by renaming it "Progressive Aggressive." That way, all the folks that haven't had enough time to mature can blame a contemporary condition saving them the embarrassing admission of being an adult who still acts like a child.

New & improved name.

Same chicken shit behavior.

Quick Thinking

-- You Gotta Be Shittin' Me Award of the Week goes to Shane Van Dyke for writing AND directing Titanic 2 which, by the way, was released straight to DVD on 8/24/10.

-- Yup, you read that right. Titanic 2.

-- I wonder how it ends?

-- Zen Question of the Week asks who's the bigger idiot: The man who writes and directs Titanic 2 or the man who watches it?

-- There's no truth to the rumor that Shane's next project will be Hidenburg 2: Hot Air.

-- Momentum is a fickle mistress.

-- And turns out she's quite the slut, too.

-- Just when I thought "Creepy Work Guy" couldn't get any creepier he shows up on the job wearing a tie with a lingerie-clad Betty Boop in suggestive poses on it.

-- Boop-Boop-Be-Yikes.

-- Big ups to Jessica Alba for finally emerging from her "mommy cave." Welcome back, Jess. We missed you.


-- A lot.

-- Bigger ups to K.!.D. for being cast on Lifetime's new series Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Who Wants to be Queer.


-- Shooting starts in October.

-- Dumbest Facebook Status Update of the Week goes to Derrick Merlin Wildstar who recently informed us:


-- Um, what?

-- And why the hell did I accept his friend request? Wizards freak me out.

-- You shall NOT PASS!

-- Memo to All the Road Warriors Out There: I appreciate your homage to Mad Max but you can't have a "Bad Ass" skull and crossbones decal on the back window of the RV you're driving when the vinyl siding is pink.

-- Unless, of course, you're trying to raise your Moron Index.

-- Or, better yet, your OXY Moron Index.


-- Oh, Speak & Spell, you'll always have a place in my heart as the greatest babysitting innovation of all time.

-- As well as the "toy" responsible for my fascination with words.

-- And Joshua from War Games.

-- Shall we play a game?

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