The rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated, dear readers.
Greatly exaggerated.
I didn't retire. I didn't change careers. I didn't join the Night's Watch. And I certainly haven't stopped writing.
I've simply changed the delivery method.
When I began this blog so many years ago the goal was to 1) make a few people laugh (if only a few) 2) become famous and 3) find my voice and practice my craft until it could pay the bills.
And, for the past 2 years, it has done just that: I get paid to name businesses, write tag lines, concept ads and write. Who knew, right?!
The sports+thoughts concept was born on of all places. That's right: Remember The magical place for friends?
Of course you don't.
For all its silliness and glorified dating-site faults, though, myspace was a place where I could write, tell you what I was listening to, give you a quote or two AND let you know what kind of mood I was in all in one place. Seemed innovative in '07 but feels a bit antiquated today. Glad to see social media has evolved into something more meaningful since then.
Admittedly, writing for "work" has taken away from me writing for "fun." I'm not talking Liam Neeson's version of taken away with a capital "T" or anything. It's certainly not that kind of violent affair.
I do, however, still have a very particular set of skills that I haven't used on this blog for far too long, dear readers.
Far too long.
Quick Thinking
-- Living in a world where great Olympic men are really women and white is really black doesn't bother me.
-- Watching a fictional man die a fictional death in a fictional world on HBO, however, struck at the core of my belief system.
-- Clearly we, as a society, know nothing, Jon Snow.
-- I do find solace in the fact that Gandalf's death in the fictional world of Middle Earth had the same affect on me in 8th grade.
-- For those who didn't read the books, Gandalf the Grey came back to life bigger, faster and stronger.
-- And whiter, actually.
-- Unlike Rachel Dolezal, of course.
-- Speaking of things that are really white, J.Crew recently reported a loss of 462.4 million amidst nearly 200 layoffs.
-- Insert khaki-colored punchline here.
-- If there's one thing the Game of Thrones has taught us it's that the time between seasons is long.
-- And full of fan speculating terrors.
-- This isn't but, for the record, I'm listening to Common featuring Mos Def on his thoughtful track The Questions.
-- Oh, and I'm in a good mood.
-- There's no emoticon proof. You'll have to take my word for it.
-- Quote of the Week is awarded to the same artist I'm listening to for one of the greatest song lyrics in the history of hip-hop, "How you got high expectations when you got low patience?"
-- Well said, Com.
-- Well.
-- Said.
-- I wanted LeBron and the Cavs to win this year.
-- There, I said it.
-- That "become famous" line during my opening statements was a joke, by the way.
-- Or as the kid's say: btw.
-- I would fail at famous faster than I finish a slice of Gregg's chocolate cake.
-- And I finish those fast.
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