Friday, March 28, 2014

Quick Thinking: Debatable

I'm beginning to learn my core belief system in life needs to be refined.

And not because someone is asking me to "grow" in a way adults are supposed to or because an ultimatum has been issued or because I had some life changing event. I'm not rethinking my belief system for any of those things.

I'm reassessing things in my life because I look around at all the surrounding charters and I feel it's time I not only expected more out of them, but also out of me. Higher standards aren't a bad thing, y'all.

Time to embrace them. 

Quick Thinking 

-- The only thing Jerry Remy is guilty of is being a parent.

-- Which, for those of us who are, is a job motivated largely by guilt to begin with.

-- And there's no word for what his son is.

-- Performance enhancing drugs are a main ingredient in the success -- and resulting profitability -- of any major sport.

-- Just ask the NFL about why they haven't begun testing for HGH if you don't believe me.

-- But, hey, at least they got the whole raising the goal post crossbar so players can't do any celebratory dunks following a touchdown thing taken care of.

-- It was ruining the game.

-- Speaking of performance enhancing drugs, am I the only one who thinks our beloved "Big Papi" was crying for a contract extension before the start of the season because he's not taking PEDs anymore as a result of MLB's stricter "biological passport" testing guidelines?

-- Kobe Bryant jumping over an Ashton Martin was more believable than Johnny Manziel's recent  "dunk" video.

-- I mean, seriously, the nerf hoop in my room as a kid was higher than his "regulation" rim.

-- The Ides of March have nothing on Winter's continued bullying of Spring.

-- Approved Rules Proposal 9 gives the NFL a centralized hub to aid (read: control) the replay process of each game from their New York corporate offices.

-- The.

-- Fix.

-- Is.

-- In. 

-- "Conscious uncoupling" is the dumbest PR word to be born out of our society's fixation on celebrity couples since "Bennifer."

-- Actually, I take that back, "Bennifer" was some of Mr. Affleck's and Ms. Lopez's best work in 2003.

-- Second only to the movie Gigli, of course.

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Quick Thinking: Sacrificial Lamb

After a week of deliberation, I've decided not to make any sacrifices for this Lent season. Or any future Lent season, for that matter. I've accepted the fact that Hell is just part of my final destination itinerary at this point. Ain't nothing changing that.

Regardless of how much chocolate I give up for 40 days.

Quick Thinking

-- I'd rather live my life wondering what random fictional character, celebrity or geographic formation I would be than answer a series of social media quizzes telling me the definitive answer.

-- What if I got Nicholas Cage?
 photo Unknown_zps9679f0e6.jpeg

-- Or Jar Jar Binks?
 photo Unknown-1_zpsb8c4a553.jpeg

-- I couldn't live with that.

-- Speaking of celebrities, Quote of the Week honors are bestowed to Benjamin Franklin for being credited with saying, "Any fool can complain, criticize and condemn -- and most fools do."

-- My man Ben was way ahead of his time.

-- He could also fly a mean kite.

-- Replace "fool" with "politician" and you'll get the modern day version of his message.   

-- Think about it.

-- PC may have 20 wins for the first time in a decade and be my alma mater, but I just don't think they're a legitimate tourney team.

-- Yesterday's signing of Darelle Revis is reported to have been a move "over a year in the making" by Mr. Belichick.

-- The man is playing chess, y'all.

-- The rest are playing checkers.

-- Word is he's close to signing the embattled Brandon Browner to anchor the other side of his secondary.

-- Can't wait for the accompanying "Team Bro-ner" t-shirts from that idiot mogul over at Barstool Sports following the signing.

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