Friday, February 21, 2014

Quick Thinking: Ring True

As a writer, I make it a habit to construct stories about nearly every person who crosses my path. It's a reflex of sorts. And, while I typically practice such constructions as a comedic interlude to my life, I'm acutely aware most situations I read aren't really what I think they are. Some situations are, I'm sure.

But most certainly are not.

A practical example of what I'm talking about, dear readers, would be that "lucky lady" wearing some serious bling-bling on her left ring finger over there. The fair "read" of most upon seeing said woman: she has found a man (or woman) that loves her enough to invest in such an exuberant outward sign of shared love and commitment. When my read would be the ring is a probably a symbol of constant infidelity getting muddled with increasing diamond sized apologies. (Lucky, indeed.)

The obvious reality is both "reads" are most likely inaccurate.

The moral: try not to make judgments and assumptions about individuals because their reality -- the only truth that really matters to them -- is something you probably know very little about. And could understand even less.

Unless, of course, you're a writer.

Quick Thinking

-- It's comical to me that Michael Sam's sexuality is a point of discussion as an NFL locker room distraction. Professional female athlete's with different sexual preferences have been sharing locker rooms for years.

-- Without incident.

-- And without the accompanying media circus, too.

-- Be professional and act like you've been there before, NFL, and I promise none of you straight players with catch "the gay" from Mr. Sam.

-- Unless you're already fabulous.

-- Or, rather…faaab-u-louuuussssssss!

-- True Detective is the smartest written show on television.

-- Think of it as the exact opposite of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

--  Zombies have officially sold out.

-- Jimmy Fallon is about as likable and nonthreatening as the male species can get while crushing his new Tonight Show gig.

-- And having old, white TV executives approve my favorite band of all time, The Roots, to continue as his house band is testament to social progression.

-- Believe it. 

-- The Providence College Friar's basketball team is "almost" nationally relevant.

-- And you know what they say about "almost," don't you?

-- Exactly.

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