Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Fan Mail

This is big, dear readers. Real big. Like post-on-facebook-as-a-milestone-and-not-just-an-ordinary-status-update big.

I've received my first fan written love letter. Sure, it can't compete with Twilight fan fiction or anything, but what can? Besides, we need to walk before we run in the fandom world of sports + thoughts.

Of course this "letter" came in email form because, seriously, who actually writes love letters using paper and sharpies anymore?

Certainly not this guy.

Regardless of the medium used to create it, what the letter says deserves focus because it tells me all the effort is paying off. Paying off big time, actually. My passion for writing is beginning to resonate with my readers and I'm gaining much desired traction.

But enough about my excitement, let me share the "letter" with you.


A huge dick in my pussy, a warm wet tounge up our arse and cum along with pussy juice all over me. Visit my web page: hcg injections


Incredible, right? 

I know.

I'm speechless, too

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1 comment:

Chad Sexington said...

Clearly not a Shakespearean effort, but it has a Keats-like playfullness that keeps the reader enthralled.