For those of you who don't know, I was fortunate enough to receive my undergrad education at Providence College. An education, by the way, that afforded me employment opportunities outside the confines of Rhode Island. My education also learned me the value of spreading my wings to reach beyond my roots, dear readers. Looks like Friarville is good for more than over-hyped and under-performing basketball teams.
Who knew, right?
From NYC to New Jersey to D.C. to Virginia to Denver to L.A. and back to RI, sprinkled with a few stops abroad and two cross country road trips, my oddyssey brought me many places. And it seems the same education that taught me to get moving imparted a bit of reflective wisdom, as well, allowing me to say: it's good to be home. It's also good to be the king.
But that's a different story for a different time.
Quick Thinking
-- The great irony of golf's current landscape is Tiger Woods, injured or not, can't compete in the PGA world he single-handedly created.
-- Goodbye, Tiger Woods 2012. Hello, Rory McIlroy 2013?
-- Wonder if Tiger will be an unlockable player...
-- Salt in the Wound Award of the Week goes to the Boston Bruins for winning a championship in a sport I don't care about while labor unrest means we may not get to watch football, a sport I care very much about, in September.
I purposely misspelled odyssey up there.
Oh, and end the fucking lockout.
-- Extra Salt in the Wound Honorable Mention is awarded to playmate Crystal Harris for calling off her engagement to Playboy mogul Hugh Hefner.
-- You read that correctly. The nude model pictured below was engaged to the one man responsible for creating a world where nude models can actually become celebrities and she broke up with him.
-- There's a blonde joke in there somewhere...
-- I guess the Mayans were right: the end of the world is nigh.
-- Well, either that, or Viagra has shelf life.
-- Speaking of erect shelf lives, we live in a world where promiscuous women are celebrated. Famously, in fact. Yet the indiscretions of "men in power" are still considered newsworthy?
-- Really?
-- Comic fodder, sure. But newsworthy?
-- Don't You Go Judging Advice of the Week goes to all my females readers out there in defense of my sexting brethren: they're just playing by the rules of the game, ladies. If licking some balls on camera can propel Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, et al. to A-List Celebrity status, why can't texting a picture of your junk do the same for a budding politician?
-- Eddie Griffin, we turn our sexting eyes to you.
-- The Red Sox train is making all its scheduled stops and keeps running over any opponent unfortunate enough to be standing on the tracks.
-- Wish the MBTA commuter rail met those same standards back in '99.
-- Should I be concerned that one of my coworkers, a Vietnam vet who murdered his wife upon returning home as a result of PTSD back in 1973, openly reads books about serial killing and serial killers?
-- Yup. I think so, too.
-- Nothing says "I give up" more than a man walking 2 steps behind his wife in the mall while carrying her big ass purse as she talks on her cell phone.
-- Other than Luongo's game 7 performance, of course.
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