Monday, February 23, 2009

The Morning After: NC-17

Reader discretion is advised.

My intention was to come clean and share some serious heartbreak with you in today's The Morning After (thus the heading.) But, as I started to type, I realized I couldn't.

All I can offer now is a vague update.

I've been away for a bit dealing with a handful of little tragedies that always seem to make up my life. And, while I believe jokes and laughter help us remember to NOT take life that seriously, it's still too soon for me to discuss them in this forum.

Even though I've been focused on some private issues the sports world has been very active over the past few weeks. I hope to be back at full writing strength soon, dear readers. In the meantime, below is an offering of random thoughts I wanted to share.

Sorry for the cliffhanger. Rest assured, though: I will dive into the above mentioned tragedies at a later date.

The catharsis is invaluable.

Quick Thinking

-- Guys wearing eye makeup confuse me.

-- So do steroid heads wearing lip gloss, A-Rod.

-- It's hard to believe that Del's Lemonade stores will be open in less than a month when there's 15 inches of snow on the ground.

-- Blanket Memo: the correct spelling of the commonly used adverb is "a lot."

-- While I'm at it, "your" is a pronoun implying possession while "you're" is the contraction of "you are."

-- The fact that the Patriots traded Cassell for a second round draft pick should tell you everything you need to know about Tom Brady's health.

-- It should also tell you whether or not they think Cassell is really worth 14.65 million.

-- R.I.P every idiot who, in an effort to 'think outside the box' and sound smart, called into local radio stations saying, "Maybe we should trade Brady..."

-- Never question the game of a man who just married the wealthiest supermodel in the world.

-- If you have any memories of playing arcade games, do yourself a favor and watch King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. I'll take it one step further: even if you DON'T have arcade memories, you still need to watch this movie.

-- Seriously, stop with the questions and just watch it. Trust me.

-- Note to A-Rod: apologies are more readily accepted and seem more genuine when they're not read from a script.

-- Just ask Bill Clinton.

-- The Fray feels like an updated version of The Counting Crows during the peak of their popularity in the 90's.

-- The biggest difference, I guess, is I feel slightly gay when listening to them.

-- I didn't feel that way when jamming to 'Round Here back in college. I felt 'progressive.'

-- Probably because Adam Duritz, the lead singer, dated Jennifer Anniston who is the epitome of any sane heterosexual's idea of the perfect wife.

-- That's not up for debate.


-- Case closed.

-- Scary thing is, he did that looking like Duff from Charm City Cakes with a dead cat on his head.


-- Amazing.

-- Quote of the Week comes from an unnamed friend who quipped the following line when an extremely attractive woman crossed our path: "If I was that hot, I'd stay home all day and just jam things in myself."

-- And all the questions I've ever had about his relationships were magically answered.

-- Have you read Obama's Bail Out? I mean really read it? It's the equivalent of political mad libs.

-- Despite their program changing win vs. #1 Pitt, PC still needs to make some noise at Madison Square Garden if they want to punch a dance ticket.

-- Is it just coincidence that Keno Davis, the PC Men's Basketball coach, shares his name with the most popular gambling game in RI run by lottery giant GTech?

-- Point shaving, anyone?

-- For those keeping score at home:
Sandra Herold's Pet Chimp - 1. Micheal Vick's Dogs - 0.

-- Quote of the Week II comes from a coworker whom I've never met. I heard this gem from a cell phone conversation he was having at work: "You better come to your senses! In 6-8 months you're going to be missing me cuz the kid will look just like me. Stop being stupid."

-- Apparently he learned how to whisper in a saw mill.

-- And, based on the tub of Muscle Milk he keeps on his desk for all to see, he learned how to speak to women at his local GNC.


-- February 28th brought the loss of legendary radio broadcaster Paul Harvey. I have fond memories of listening to his iconic voice in those famed "Rest of the Story" segments with Dad during my childhood. My condolences to his family and loved ones.

-- "Good Day."

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Guess Who's Back?

I wanted to repost my thoughts from the day the news of Tiger's injury, and pending sabbatical, became public last year.

Consider this a celebratory flashback.

Welcome back, Tiger. We missed you, your fist pump and, most of all, your hot wife.

For shizzle.

Original Blog Date: Thursday, June 19, 2008

Did You Hear That...?

Was that a collective sigh of relief from every PGA golfer eligible to play in the last two major tournaments this year?


Was it the sound of every sponsor and TV executive howling at the obvious loss of revenue they will experience with Tiger sidelined for the rest of '08?

In all likelihood it was probably a little bit of both.

First, most golfers are soft both physically and emotionally. They'd rather win with the best player in the world injured than step up and beat him one-on-one. Re-reading that statement it sounds a bit like hyperbole. Hmmmm...

Let's dig a little deeper.

Tiger has never lost a major when leading after 3 rounds. NEVER. That means the tournament is over if he's leading after 3 rounds. He actually shortens the tournament. Similar to a great bullpen and closer in a MLB game. Tiger IS a closer. And, as we all know: Championships are for Closers.

Numbers don't lie, folks!

Listen, I don't want to spend too much time on this because it's so painfully apparent: Tiger is head and shoulders above all of his competition. Even if every other player was at his "best" it wouldn't come close to what Tiger is at his. His better is better than their better. (plug) Why do you think Vegas has you bet on "Tiger" or "The Field" for every tournament he's in?

Second, golf ratings and ad revenue will drop dramatically without Tiger on the course. You know what the PGA Tour needs to do? The "Tour" needs to start planning for life without Tiger. And that planning needs to start TODAY.

Really? You think that's too soon? Well let me tell you why it's not...and try and keep up, newb.

Remember what happened when MJ left the NBA? Oh, and I'm not talking about the "can't-let-go-of-it-trying-to-sell-tickets-cuz-I-own-part-of-the-team" retirement from the Wizards. I'm talking about the "top-of-his-game-face-of-the-NBA-with-his-own-cologne" retirement from the Bulls. With me now? Ok, good.

So now that you've had some time to think about it: do you remember? Of course you do!

The league was so busy looking for the next MJ that the product suffered and people stopped watching. They lost the one player who appealed to the masses like no other without adapting or evolving after the loss. David Stern just put his head in the sand and tried to replace the irreplaceable.

Bad move.

The NBA was throwing around "He's the next MJ" statements like beads at bare breasted women in Mardi Gras. The quest for a new marque player got so bad that the NBA dubbed Harold Minor "the next MJ." Harold. Fucking. Minor. Are you kidding me? Most of you probably don't even REMEMBER who he is! Let alone that fact that everyone hoped he would be the next MJ. "Baby Jordan" was his nickname.

What a joke.

(This is usually the point where I tell my faithful readers to "google it." In this instance, let's share the laugh and google his stats together --google, google, google*)

As I said, what a joke: he played a total of 200 games in his career and started 47 of them. The next MJ, indeed.

Even more damaging than the product suffering -- people stopped caring. To improve a product is one thing. But to make people CARE about a product is a completely different challenge. A challenge the NBA is just NOW recovering from. Thanks, in no small part, to one of their biggest market teams winning the NBA championship on Tuesday night in a 39-point ass kicking. GO CELTS!


Memo to the Lakers: You can't lose a deciding game in the NBA finals by 39 points and still consider yourself "professional." To be professional is to be considered an expert at your chosen craft. I can think of at least 1,000,000 amateurs that would have put forth a better effort in that situation. It was embarrassing. Do better.


Look, the main goal for every sport is to appeal to the masses. The more people that care and watch, the more money there is to be made. Today's sports landscape is about one thing: revenue. PLEASE don't use the "purity of sports" argument. Sports purists are a dying breed. I'm not wasting my time on the obvious again -- sorry.

Bottom line: Golf means NOTHING to the masses without Tiger. NOTH. ING.

The sooner the PGA realizes that their majority "white club" is being ruled, rewritten actually, by a minority who has become the biggest name in individual sports -- the better off it will be.

Tiger has started the Revolution. Time for the PGA to start thinking about it's evolution.

Or it will become extinct.

(* is a great resource.)

Why Porn is Good

I'm starting to feel that porn -- specifically the internet variety -- is drowning in social standard negativity.

Why is porn getting such a bad reputation? EVERYONE should be thankful that we have porn.

Yes, even you ladies.

Especially the prudes out there who think being adventurous in the bedroom involves mixing the patterns and colors of their duvet covers and tumbler pillows.

I can already hear the questions and objections. However, I will kindly ask you to stay your judgment and read on.

So, why do I think porn is good? Take a little journey with me to find out....

When I was experiencing adolescence my only sexual outlet was MTV. That's right, fucking MTV (back when they actually played music videos.)

I would get home from school hoping to see a glimpse of anything remotely suggestive to get my rocks off. A shot of some chic shaking her ass in a BBD video was like striking oil (pun intended.)

Madonna was a great stand-by, too. You know what, fuck it; I would even Hang-Tough with the NKoTB when I was crunched for time -- that Joey was a pretty little bitch.

When "The Grind" made its premiere -- it was like a winning a lotion filled sock that would never dry up and scratch. Every day, at 4pm, there would be multiple shots of scantily clad woment shaking their jelly and being squirted with water guns.


The situation was perfect. The parents didn't get home from work until 5:30pm or so. That gave me an entire hour to work out my libido while listening to some of my favorite music. Plus, I had an extra 30 minutes to clean up and set up some books on the kitchen table to pretend like I was doing homework.

Don't judge me. You weren't there.

But, then, "IT" happened.

It was a Wednesday. It's was 4:21pm. I was exploring the wonders of "Warm Vanilla Sugar" from The Body Shop while jamming to "It Feels Good" by Toni, Tony, Tone. I was in the basement. I didn't hear the car. I didn't hear the door open. What I did hear, however, was my mother shriek "TERRENCE EDWARD!" when she took 3 steps down the stairs.

I couldn't move. I was paralyzed with embarrassment.

Plus, my pants were around my ankles and any quick moment would have resulted in a painful fall. Ouchie.

Not my proudest moment.

Now that was about 15 years ago. I still, to this day, get little Warm Vanilla Sugar lotions in my stocking at Christmas time from my mother. Funny, right? WRONG. But, for those who are looking for a little tingle when engaging in self-love, try's good stuff.

Listen, I didn't have access to Internet porn. I didn't have the luxury of a room with a computer where I could shut the door and do my dirty self grooming in private. So, instead of doing a quick Google search and getting instant gratification, I was subject to the above embarrassment which as evolved into a lifetime of family ridicule.

Porn would have provided me with the privacy I needed. It would have also helped prevent this childhood nightmare which, by the way, has resulted in several hours of billable therapy -- for me and my moms.

So, to all you who think that porn is "bad" -- recant. Someday most of you will be have a son of your own.

And, trust me, you'd rather have porn around to guide your son's "coming of age" instead of catching him while he's trying himself.