I'm a very reflective person, dear readers. I always want to get better -- personally, professionally, athletically -- whatever. My goal is to be a better person today than I was yesterday. Getting old and "stuck in my ways" is something I'm acutely afraid of.
So, after reading my previous blog, I realized something: I need to do better.
I don't feel my previous effort was bad per se. I just think the strong content was overshadowed by it's length. Even I got tired of reading it which, believe me, NEVER happens.
The flaw was obvious: I wrote more than your eyes could chew.
I wrote so much, in fact, that my previous post was officially the longest of my short blogging career. And, even though my "career" is in it's infancy, I'm seasoned enough to realize that I need to make a few structural changes.
To prove my suspicion I checked the stats, or "views", on my previous post. The number was pitiful: 58. I had been averaging close to 500 views per new post but my last effort fell well short.
That said, dear readers, I wanted to share some programming notes with you today.
I'm going to promote my "Quick Thinking" segment from the bottom of "The Morning After" to the top of, well, itself.
Look who's all grows up.
To be honest, Quick Thinking is the section of my blog that I get the most feedback on anyway. I might as well give the people what they want and throw a spotlight on QT.
Watch out for the imminent influx of Paparazzi, though.
Say cheese!
The Big Question
This week's Big Q is pretty straightforward.
Q: What could I do to make this blog more readable?
Be honest, dear readers. Think of this as church, without the "bad touches" of course, and the Big Q is me passing around the collection baskets. But I'm not asking for money, your souls or your young children.
I'm simply asking for your opinion.
Constructive criticism is a valuable asset that will make me better and help me achieve my dream. No, not THAT dream. After all, she lives in Hollywood and I'm stuck here in Rhode Island.
The dream I'm referring to is getting Sports and Thoughts' special kind of dementia to the masses. I hope you take a few minutes to help.
Thanks in advance.
Quick Thinking
-- Sage Rosenfels sounds more like a character from a J.R.R. Tolkien book than someone who is going to compete for a starting quarterback job in the NFL this year.
-- Oh, look, its raining again today. Weird.
-- R.I.P. Blake Griffin's career after the Clippers officially draft him #1 tomorrow.
-- The "Field" didn't beat Tiger at the US Open last week. The elements did.
-- Memo to Julio Lugo: That sound you heard after Nick Green's spectacular double play last night was the final nail being hammered into your coffin.
-- There's another political infidelity scandal brewing in South Carolina. Way to be original, Governor Sanford. You big dummy.
-- If Kraft Sports Productions is to the New England Patriots as NESN is to the Boston Red Sox: Does that mean Kristina Akra is Kraft's answer to NESN's Heidi Watney?

-- Advantage: Watney.
-- Inspired by all the talk surrounding the upcoming draft, the Flashback of the Week comes from the NBA: The Cavs dominant regular season and their 39-2 record at home highlights just how special the record holding 85-86 Celtics were when they finished 40-1.
-- Question of the Week: What team gave the Celtics their one loss at home during the 85-86 season? (answer below)
-- Mos Def's new album The Ecstatic is strenghtened by the beats but weakened by all the short tracks.
-- Memo to Red Sox Nation: Congrats! Over 500 consecutive sell outs and still counting...
-- Further proof that what I've always told people during my domestic travels is true: Being a Red Sox fan is less like following your favorite team and more like being part of a religious sect.
-- Those Arab wingnuts have nothing on us.
-- Your errorless streak was epic, Jacoby. Well done.
-- Memo to the Celtics: Live in the present! You mortgaged our future for a championship and its already catching up to us. With one pick in this year's draft, an aging "Big Three v2.0" and a young, uncoachable point guard who you're trying to trade the wheels are officially coming off.
-- Hang on tight, Danny.
-- Ring Dings wrapped individually in tin foil will always be superior to today's version packaged as a pair in that plastic crap.
-- "Word-A-Day" toilet paper comes in handy.
-- Surprisingly, the word "buffoon" is spelled correctly with a "u."
-- Quote of the Week comes from my boy Big Nick when he was asked, by an unnamed assailant, what he would do if he ever woke up to find a woman masturbating in a chair next to him: "I'd just tell your mom to go home."
-- A well-placed "momma joke" is timeless.
-- While I'm thinking about packaged desserts, I miss Whoopie Pies.
-- Professional athletes labeled as "disgruntled" by the media is just a TV friendly way of saying they're "assholes with too much money and free time."
-- Quote of the Week II comes from Mr. Follick while he discussed what kind of woman he finds attractive: "I've always liked skinny girls. Even when I was in the 4th Grade I liked skinny girls but, then again, everyone is skinny in the 4th grade."
-- I'm still not sure what's more impressive: that Mr. Follick is so self-aware about the kind of woman he likes or the fact that he started dating in the 4th grade.
-- After watching Ninja Cheerleaders on Showtime I'm surprised the movie went directly to cable.
-- Speaking of bad movies, if you want to see Jessica Biel bring naked back, check out Powder Blue on DVD.
-- There's no truth to the rumor Governor Sanford's affair foreplay involved grabbing his penis and yelling, "Oh! This is the big one, Elizabeth, honey. Its coming to join ya!"
-- Quote of the Week III comes an individual I overheard talking behind me at bar recently: "Well, if a girl is going to ask you to choke her during sex the next logical step is to obviously just spit in her face."
-- And who says romance is dead.
-- Answer of the Week: The Portland Trailblazers.
-- If the weather keeps us indoors can someone please just hit the Fast Forward button and stop at 9/14/09?
-- What would make a former player walk into a weight room and shoot his coach 8 times?
-- Shit, my former coach once grabbed me by the throat and called me a disgrace at midcourt during a semi-final basketball game and I have nothing but respect for him.
-- In his defense, though, I had just knocked an opposing player out after he threw an elbow at my head going for a loose ball.
-- All joking aside: I'd like to extend my most sincere condolences to Ed Thomas' family during this time following his tragic death.
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