Friday, August 24, 2018


Listen, there is a serious issue that needs to be addressed...and it needs to be addressed now. There's nothing gained by trying to put this delicately so I'm just going to come out and say it:  Daenerys Targaryn is a terrbile mother. 


Like...the worst. 

I swear it by the old gods and the new.

I'm not trying to speak out of turn or anything, dear readers. I'm really not. I mean, I've never given birth to three dragons by getting naked with their eggs and jumping into a fire. 


As a rule, I don't get naked and jump into fires. My hairpants would erupt near an open flame and I'd never recover. 



And I'm certainly not trying to offend Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryn, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, and the Breaker of Chains or anything. 

That would be just plain stupid.

But, as a parent myself, I think I can point out some areas of opportunity for Ms. Stormborn to make improvements. 

I mean, using her children to intimidate others probably doesn't set the best example. Chaining 2 of them up in a dungeon as punishement when the third runs away for awhile feels more like displacement than parenting. Demanding they kill people with fire on command but then get upset when they kill other people with un-commanded fire is the definition of hypocricy. Or, worse yet, letting others abuse them then demand they fly her to safety with not even so much as a raven to the maester or quick stop by the Citadel's emergency room for a check-up.

LaVar Ball wouldn't even do medieval shit like that.

Now, admittedly, my opinion on this next matter is more of a theoretical anecdote than one based on practical experience because I've never mounted a fire-breathing dragon and flown it beyond the Wall to save my nephew and his warrior friends from the undead. 

I get that. 

It just seems to me that if you are flying into a fight beyond the Wall on one of your children with his dragon brothers at your side than it makes more sense to collectively attack the leader of the undead enemy horde before attacking the undead soldiers themselves. 

Feels like basic wartime parenting knowledge to me.

At the end of day, I understand parenting isn't an exact science. All parents make mistakes here-and-there allowing room for growth and improvement. I'm not demanding perfection out of Dany or anything. 

I'm not.

I'm just asking her to shift her priorities a little bit. If she wasn't sooo concerned with her outfits, titles, hair braids and what chair she wants to sit on and more with the well-being of her kiddos, maybe --  just maybe -- her son Viserion would still be alive.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I could do a better job under the same circumstances. But I'm not NOT saying it either.

What I am saying is, at the very least, someone needs to send a raven to the Westeros DCYF or something so they can, you know, monitor the situation and keep an eye on things. 

Even if it's a third eye.