Everywhere I turn today there's a story applauding or criticizing Ms. Jenner and her Courage Award win at the ESPYs last night.
I mean everywhere.
I understand it's a polarizing topic, y'all, but does it really need to dominate the news? Aren't there more pressing issues we should be focused on?
And, no, I'm not talking about Brady's PSI appeal.
I'm talking about child obesity, presidential candidates, our economy, the health care & food industries investing in one another as they turn the world into patients or, rather, future clients, immigration, unemployment, the rising cost of education...I mean, shit: pick a topic. Lots of big stuff needs to be fixed, y'all.
But we live in a world where entire countries can go broke and all we care about is how many likes we get on an Instagram post to validate our egos and sense of worth or how much cleavage Kim Kardashian flashed at her recent magazine photo shoot.
At some point we need to realize celebrity culture and reality tv shows aren't about having "guilty pleasures." They're about distracting us from the serious issues swirling around at all times.
It's an epidemic, really.
Unfortunately, most are simply too addicted to the pretty pictures they see on TV, Facebook feeds and smart devices while they look in the mirror to measure themselves against those same standards while ignoring bigger issues in their own lives and, ultimately, in the world.
But, hey, at least Ms. Jenner has nice tits and a pretty dress.
Quick Thinking
-- Making a life "decision" that results in significant earnings isn't courageous.
-- It's business.
-- And while the media frenzy feeds our need for daily distractions, Ms. Jenner is trading awards for airtime to promote her show, up the viewership and gain more advertising dollars.
-- You know, because she's so courageous and all.
-- There's talk Q-Tip is putting the "finishing touches" on his new album Last Zulu, which has been rumored since 2012, and it will released before the end of this year.
-- But don't hold your breath or anything.
-- If it was a card game his shuffling would be rubbing the nuts off the Jacks.
-- And the tits off the Queens.
-- Arbitrary Note of the Week: During a recent manscaping session I realized my left vasectomy scar is in the shape of a "T" while my right one is in the shape of a "J".
-- True story.
-- Having identifiable marked balls definitely puts an end to my drive-by teabag career.
-- Truer story.
-- Quote of the Week goes to my know-it-all colleague who, when correcting a client as to a type of beer his establishment had on tap, said, "No, it's not Honey Brown beer. It should be referred to as a 'Ho-Bro' Ale."
-- The post-quote pencil drop was epic.
-- Easy to guess the Douche of the Week Award is being issued to the same guy.
-- Or should I say "Do-Bro."
-- Watching the leaderboard on this year's British Open, I'm reminded of what I wrote back in April of 2014: Tiger will never win another major.
-- Never.
-- Can you believe The Rocky franchise is still throwing punches with it's new movie Creed?
-- I've always been surprised it survived that ocean-splashing, mesh shirt frolic from Rocky III.
-- Or better known in some circles as Brokeback Rocky.