The recent "hot button topic" in MLB implying there aren't enough black players in baseball as a result of racism is tired and irresponsible. There's a lower number of young black players in the league because the sport, as a whole, doesn't appeal to young fans.
Even the most ardent fans are tired of the patient-at-the-plate-pitch-count-raising tactics of players resulting in 4 or 5 hour games. Kids grow up -- regardless of race -- wanting to "be" that favorite player they watch on TV. And none of them are watching baseball players.
Don't complicate a problem with the race card, media, because it deflects attention from what the real issue is.
Baseball simply isn't fun to watch anymore.
Quick Thinking
-- Gary Busey's teeth give me nightmares.
-- But I love his commercial for Amazon's Fire TV.
-- Hello Lamp.
-- With a global pig pile of tragedy on top of natural disaster on top of political strife, you'd have to be asleep at the wheel to not realize the world seems to be going to shit.
-- Profound, I know.
-- Unfortunately, most of us are too busy being consumed by social media, petty selfishness, "smart" phones and selfies to realize the severity of it.
-- Monday's 118th Boston Marathon is the most important freedom movement to hit the city since Paul Revere's ride on April 18th, 1775.
-- Tiger Woods will never win another major championship.
-- Believe it.
-- Last night's 30-for-30 on EPSN detailing the ascension and eventual decline of the Detriot Pistons in the late 80's and early 90's is the best I've seen since last year's Jimmy V inspired Survive and Advance.
-- It also reminded me of the NBA's linebacker mentality that shaped the way I played the game.
-- In my defense, it seemed wrong not to use my fouls every game.
-- Or draw blood trying.