Someone recently told me I offend people. Truth be told, it wasn't just "someone." It was a friend.
And not the social media kind.
The constructive criticism came from a person I interact with outside the confines of facebook's digital playground. The thing is, I've been told as much several times during my life. Big surprise, right? But the most recent occurrence was different.
It resonated with me.
For some reason, I value this particular person's opinion which, by the way, is an occupational hazard of sorts for writers. The second a writer starts to care about what people think they mentally edit genuine "voice" and the resulting written word becomes, you guessed it, disingenuous.
This person explained how I can be "too harsh in my blog" and how I "need to take some things more seriously."
Sage advice, indeed.
Listen, I'm not going to bore you with my response citing some serious tragedies I experienced in my life responsible for a my life-priority shift, but the bottom line is this: Most people in the world, including this particular person, take themselves way too seriously.
Watch 2 minutes of Jersey Shore if you don't believe me.
That kind of life approach simply doesn't work for me. Sorry I'm not sorry about it. I choose not to take life very seriously and, more importantly, I don't think anything is considered an "off limits" topic.
Sure, maybe I take my jokes too far sometimes. Maybe. But, c'mon, life is too short to really be concerned about what color tile the new backsplash in your kitchen is or if you "made the cut" on a wedding invite list.
In my little world, poking fun at others is a necessity and being made fun of is a compliment. I know some of you agree and for the others, well, maybe you should lighten up.
Quick Thinking
-- It's officially official: A Romo-led Cowboy Nation has become synonymous with choking.
-- And always will be under his reign.
-- Did you see Tony rip his arm away from the man who signs his checks on national TV following the loss? I'm guessing he'll be reminded of that next time contract talks come around.
-- I'm glad the Red Sox didn't make the playoffs.
-- That's right. I said it.
-- Speaking of the Sox throwing up on themselves, Quote of the Week honors go to my boy Kill Shot for the best post-playoff-eliminating-loss line of all time, "The only thing that could cheer me up would be a group sing-a-long of Sweet Caroline."
-- So good! So good! So good!
-- There really shouldn't be a place for Neil Diamond in baseball.
-- Why did I spend my college years going to "dress up" parties in an attempt to feel older?
-- And why the fuck do I find myself invited to "ugly sweater parties" or "80's" parties today in an attempt to recapture my youth?
-- Quite the funny dance life has us all engaged in.
-- Whenever media outlet powers-that-be refer to the Arizona Diamondbacks as "D-Backs" I invariably hear "D-Bags."
-- I guess age and maturity don't always go hand in hand.
-- It seems Adele's Someone Like You is this year's anthem for girls with broken hearts everywhere.
-- If it's any consolation, ladies, chances are the boy that was in your life who inspired a connection to said ballad probably didn't really care about you in the first place.
-- Except late at night or in the bedroom, I'm guessing.
-- Hey, I'm actually trying to help here so don't get upset. Just because a truth is hurtful doesn't make it any less true, y'all. I mean, why waste energy on someone who wouldn't waste any on you?
-- Unless, of course, it could be wiped off with a towel.