Spring has sprung, dear readers. And, along with sunny skies that melt snow piles and show us the promise of summer, it brings along with it the greatest Wonka confection of all time: Sweet Tarts in the shape of Ducks, Chics and Bunnies.
Enjoy accordingly.
Quick Thinking
-- How is it that with the countless health trend infomercials pirating late night and early morning TV showing an infinite number of people who have "changed their lives with this incredibly easy program" America is still one of the fattest countries in the world?
-- And I mean like orca fat.
-- Sometimes I wish my name was Wolf Blitzer.
-- Celebrity Look A Like of the Week goes to Gary Busey for looking like Matt Damon from Team America.

-- I think we can both agree I'm being generous.
-- F**k YEAH!
-- Opening Day arrives to find Red Sox Nation heralded as the "team to beat" in the American League by every media "expert" with a microphone.
-- Feels unfamiliar.
-- The predictions also make me very, very nervous because, as we all know, while individuals may be intelligent, popular opinion usually turns out to be anything but.
-- Just ask the 2010 Patriots.
-- Or the teams who played VCU during this year's Madness.
-- And the 69 million strong who have listened to Rebecca Black's single Friday on YouTube.
-- Geniuses all, I'm sure.
-- I inherently don't trust any adult wearing clothing with Disney characters.
-- Listen, y'all, it's one thing to want to have kids. It's a complete different thing to try and lure them into your lair with pictures of Mickey, Donald and Pluto.
-- Creepy.
-- It appears the stalemate between NFL players and owners has gone playground with each side saying, "I'm rubber and you're glue."
-- Not the best way to sway public opinion, fellas.
-- At this rate, we might as well just settle the dispute with a good 'ol fashion game of Red Rover.
-- You think Kraft and Jerry Jones have the strength to hold the line when they send Adrian Peterson right over?
-- Ya, me neither.
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